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Tuesday 18 June 2013

Sao Paulo- A wonderful experience! BRAZIL

This is where we had our first couch surfing experience. Couch Surfing is an online networking site, properly vetted and used by people all around the world to offer their homes to travellers and for travellers to find a place to stay during their trip. This way you can meet people all around the world and travellers can have a more enchanced experience outside the four walls of their hostels.

After sending out a few request we had a reply from a guy called Edilson who was happy to take me and Michael in for 3 nights during our stay in Sao Paulo. To tell you the truth arriving at the bus terminal was a scary ordeal, it felt like a blind date, we just didnt know what we would be walking into. Suddenly we were regretting not booking a hostel the conventional way.

But it worked out completely fine, Edilson met us at the meeting point and as soon as we met him we knew we would be okay. He had a lovely manner about him and kind eyes. He even went out his way to buy us a pre topped up metro card for the underground so we could reach his home without worrying about money. We were struck by his kindness. Edilson like many living in the megalopolis had to commute everyday for work as homes near the centre were only for the rich. It took us 2 hours to get to his home, consisting of 3 metros, a train and a bus. He kept apologising for being so far away but we assured him it was fine and we were really grateful that he was having us. For me all I could think of was poor Edilson, having to do this commute twice a day, every day!

As we were nearing his stop Edilson warned us that he lived with his family and lead a simple life in a ghetto. He actually even apologised for this which just shows what a humble, gentle person he was. We assured him that this was not a problem, a couch would do us just fine, we werent people with high needs either. He then showed us his room and offered us his bed while he slept in the sofa during our entire stay. A decision he would not let us protest. He even went to the length of getting Michael and I brand new toothpaste and soap to use.

Edilson had cleared his plans for the weekend so he could entertain us which was really sweet of him. On the Saturday he took us to the City Centre and showed us around the sites with a friend and her English teacher. Now this man was a character. He was German and his name was Reinhard and he had moved to Sao Paulo 13 years ago with his late wife. It was unbelievable that this man in his 50s was living in the middle of the ghetto and with little portugeese and was doing just fine. There with his bright red shirt, white skin and john lennon like glasses he stuck out like a sore thumb. He was teaching English for a living but come his retirement he had dreams of travelling South America. He told us of the curruption that cripples Brazil, such as bribes to process business deals etc. He had tons of stories which he would tell in a comical way. He was a very endearing man and Michael had even found a likeness of Stefan in him. Reinhard took us to a great chinease in the Japanese/Chinese quarter and we had lunch there before walking around the stalls. We were then taken to Campinas Avenue where all the large buildings stood tall. Here are some pictures of what we saw...

Alyn, Edilson, me and Reinhart

Reinhart explaining how stupid the metro system was, very comical

At the excellentChinese 

Japanese Quaters

Skyline of Sao Paulo

Campina Avenue

In the evening we were invited to BBQ by one of Edilsons friends who we had spent the day with. Happily we agreed to go, a BBQ with real brazilian locals was for us a great treat. Much like Edilson she also apologised for the house where the BBQ was, as it was very simple. Once again we assured her we dont mind all, we were rather looking forward to it. That evening Edilsons friends Chuck came around the house before the BBQ with a crate of beer ready for our Saturday night out at the BBQ. Edilson explained his name was Chuck as people thought he looked like Chucky, the doll form the Horror film. We thought this was hilarious and terrible at the same time as he looked nothing like the phyco doll. Now Chucky spoke no English but instantly Michael and Chucky got on like a house of fire. Once again the kindness overwhelmed us as Chucky would not accept any money for the beer. Then Edilsons gf and her friend Vivian came to the house and we all had a drink together. They also spoke no English but we got on fine. Before we went out for the BBQ , Chuck announced to Michael that he loved him, Edilson laughed and explained what he said then Chuck quickly corrected himself and said no, no, no, noo! I mean I like you, I LIKE YOU! haha that turned out to be the joke for the rest of the night.

Edilson warned us to not take anything of value to this BBQ as we were in the ghetto and there might be some unsavory characters there. So unfortunately we have no pictures of this night and in actual truth the camera would have been fine. We rocked up to the party full swinging in a court yard, the BBQ was sizzling and the beer was flowing. Reinhard had told us that people only left when the beer stopped at Brazilian BBQs, not when the food stops but most importantly when the alcohol is gone. Michael said quite proudly "That sounds like one of my family BBQs". We were met with kindess all around and given food and drink all night, we were told not to even bring anything, we couldnt believe it. The BBQ was amazing, so good, we told the man serving us (who would always make sure me and Michael had the first piece when serving up) that he was the Rei de BBQ - which means the king of the BBQ. He acknowledged this with a great big smile on his face.

We always had a drink in hand and we tried to speak to locals with broken Spanish that we knew. One man there told me "We might have nothing here but we are happy". I agreed with him, they did have nothing but they must have been the friendliest, happiest people I have ever met. We had a a lot of laughs with Edilsons friends and we all staggered back home together like a group of old friends, chatting and laughing along the way.We truly had a great night.

The next day we went with our new group of friends to a Chaurasco, which is a Brazilian meat house where you put a green card for more and a red card to stop. This has been mimicked all over the world now but this is where it orginated from. We went to this fantastic one in the ghetto which was only 10 pounds each per person. To think in  Leeds there is a Charasco that charges 50 per person, five times more the price! Once again we felt like we were with friends rather than just travelling. We ate good food and were in the company of great people. At the end we were horrified when the group split our bill between them and paid for us. It was a big bill too as we had drank a lot beer. I tried to give money but once again it was declined, they assured us that we were visiting them and they look after their friends. Once again it was unbelievable considering in England there is always a tight arse that whats to split the bill to the last penny.

The kindness continued as Chuck gave Michael a football strip of his favourite team Corinthians and Edilson gave me his teams shirt which was Sao Paulo. The day we were leaving Edilson had work very early so we asked if he could tell us what tube to get to the airport for our flight to our next destination Salvador and we would make our own way there. He wouldnt have any of it and volunteered to be late for work to take us there. Then Vivian and Edilsons gf said they would take us which they did, they met us very early at the tube station and even paid for our fare. She then gave me a present of a beautiful blue beaded cross and a beer cup for Michael from a local festival they have in Sao Paulo. The kindness was so great that a few times I had to stop myself from crying, they completely touched our hearts. This kindness did not have an interior motive, it was kindness in its purist form and this was what was so touching. We have exchanged details with all of them and told them we will see them again. We would like to show them the same kindness they have showed us. Edilson and his friends gave us an experience that money cannot buy and we will treasure the memory of this trip forever. 

Chuck and Michael and Michael is wearing the top he gave him

It was so yummy at the Chaurasco

Group shot

Last photo before we fly out to Salvador with Edilsons gf, vivian and me

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