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Tuesday 18 June 2013

Florinopolis - BRAZIL

Our next trip was to Florianopolis on the coast of Brazil. It had been a while since we had been to a beach so we were really looking forward to it, and plus we had heard rave reviews from fellow travellers.

We stayed at one of the best hostels here, called Submarino, it was situated right on a huge lagoon and within close reach of the small centre. We stayed here for five or so days, we mostly relaxed and took it easy. With it being low season we were the only ones in the hostel so most nights it was a bottle of red and a DVD, or some nights playing scrabble to pass the time ( I won by the way but Jo was very close to beating me!).

Our hostel had free kayaks which we could take on the lake, so as soon as the sun was out we headed to the lagoon and off we went. We paddle across to the lake, passing huge mansions on the shore, this place was definitely a millionaires neighbourhood! We get far enough with our arms  aching and lungs short of breath, take a breather and then decide to head back. At this point the weather had turned, with the wind now against us on the way back. What took us half an hour on the way there took us an hour and a half to gt back, with Jo winging pretty much all the way, so she told me, luckily I was too far ahead to hear! We get back to the hostel and it starts to piss down! On goes a DVD.

The next day the sun again is out and we hire some cycles and head to one of the many beaches. Brazil sure has its share of great beaches, amongst the best I have seen and this place was no different, here are some pics....

The beautiful lake where we went kayaking

Beach time

Brave surf kids waiting for the huge waves to calm down before jumping in!

The rest of the time was spent lazzying about and sorting out our remaining stay in Brazil.

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