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Wednesday 8 May 2013

Mancora - Peru - I CAUGHT A FISH/EEL

After deciding we had enough of trekking we headed to the beach town of Mancora in Peru for some "down time". It was a laborious journey which consisted of 3 different buses as you could not get a direct route from Huarez to Mancora. Luckily in Chiclayo we found a bus company called "El Dorado" that did a direct bus to Mancora.

Once we arrived in Mancora we caught a tuc tuc to our hostel called "Loki". It looked more like a holiday resort than a hostel. It had a large pool and whitewashed apartments with balcony's. We wasted no time and headed straight to the bar, we even bumped into friends we last saw in Bolivia. We had a great time sun bathing and drinking in the 3 days we were there.

Mancora is literally just a strip so there wasn't much to see. You could do excursions to nearby islands but we didn't manage to do this. We did do a fishing trip with a local fisherman to see the sunset.  The waves were very chopping and the boat was going up and down, this made me feel uneasy. Luckily the fisherman thought so also so we went closer to the harbor and set the anchor down there.

After 10 minutes no one caught anything, we were all sat on the side with our line waiting, nothing happening. Suddenly me and Jenny felt a tug, we both got up excited, putting our lines in. Mines was really tugging so I was convinced it was a big one, we tugged and tugged, then realised actually me and Jennys hooked had tangled and the only thing we were catching was each other! After that anti climax the boat went back to silence when suddenly Michael felt a hard tug, he reeled his line in and started jumping up and down in excitement. He started flagging around this fish which turned out to be an eel, he soon realised and shouted "uurrgh what is  it, its horrible" and dropped it. The eel struggled on the boat while the fisherman lunged at its throat and started beating it against the boat. It was all very funny, Michael was still doing a victory dance and started punching air then punched me in the face by accident. It was all very exciting, then the fisherman released the eel back in the sea (I think it was already dead by the way he was battering it on the boat but hey).

Soon after Josh our Aussie mate, a glorified fisher man caught a proper fish ( the joke was that Michael only caught a measly eel) he caught a cod. It wasnt as exciting as Michael first catch but still we were pleased at least someone caught something.  Me, Jenny and Midge left empty handed whist Josh had his cod and Michael had his eel. We watched the sunset which was beautiful then we caught a ride back to the village, still laughing at the eel incident. Here are some pictures.

Tuc Tuc


Mancora Beach

Trying to find a good spot

Me, Jenny and Michael

Coconut man

Fishing boat

Midge and Michael

Fisher man making our bate

Our fishing lines


Local Fisherman 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great pics! Lets hope the eel was only playng dead :-) Mike, no doubt you made a deliberate decision to avoid the cod and catch the eel, which naturaly, one would imagine to be a much more difficult, and heroic, prospect!

  3. Ahhh so jealous of your tan's!!!
    Get me out of this country!

    Sounds like you's are having an amazing time. Need to catch up with all these posts and what you's have been upto! Take care x
