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Wednesday 8 May 2013

Lima - PERU

A short visit to the capitol, mainly to have a big night after doing two treks and not being in a big city for a long time. A good group of us, Jenny from England and Joeleen from Australia, who we,ve travelled with on and off since Sucre, had decided to book at the Point hostel renowned for being lively. On arrival we find ourselves surrounded by plebs, anyway we would have to find our own way in Lima.

First stop Sushi, all you can eat for 10 quid each, and with us travelling for a long while the day before we were ready to destroy the place and top up our lunchboxes we had hiding in our bags! The sushi place set in the posh part of Lima was very snazzy, and us travellers looked a little out of place, with the waiter informing us that it is all you can eat BUT any bits of sushi left behind you would have to pay 2 Soles! He saw us coming Ha!

Any we managed 25 pieces each, not a bad effort i thought, although i probably wont be eating sushi for some time!!

Back to our hostel and in the taxi looking for what Lima has to offer. Well it seemed that our luck was out, 7 taxi journeys and 5 bars visited and vetted not to be good enough and we were in bed by 1am!!!

The next day we explored the area, which surprisingly was stunning as we had heard Lima was a bit of a hell hole. As far as neighbourhoods are concerned, the are where our hostel was was lovely and possibly  nicer than some western areas!

Peru Main Stadium

Lima Sky Line

Our view from the hostel

Neighbourhood mansion

Neighbourhood art
 After our one night in Lima we headed north and headed to the mountain range in Huarez, where we would hike more....

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