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Thursday, 7 February 2013

Destination Buenos Aires

Well we are finally off, our money exchanged, bags backed and our Spanish no better from the day we were born. After a manic drive to Gatwick Airport, with Jacquie aka Senna at the wheel we make it to the Airport in one piece. We savor our last cuppa tea and head of to departures, Buenos Aires here we come..well actually it was a transfer at Madrid first which was a 3 hours wait. Madrid Airport was dead, nothing was open as it was late at night so we had a long boring wait.

Once on the plane we found our seats and got settled into our 12 hour flight, looking forward to watching some films and getting some zzz´s in. Just as we began watching our films we had an announcement from the cabin crew, only to return to our entertainment system to find there is no sound. Both mine and Michael´s system would not work. We asked the flight attendant to help us and she reset both our systems, eager to get back to our films we fiddled with it again to find that now the control pad was not working. After much frustration and asking another 2 times for help we were no better. At that point I gave up and settled for an uncomfortable sleep instead. 

After much neck cranking we managed to sleep through most of the flight, a few snorers were drafted around us but nothing too off putting. The plane lands and there is a round of applause, smooth landing Mr pilot. We get to immigration and we are met with a queue big enough to rival any English one, I remember staying "I will never complain about the queue in England again." We were then served by a very serious immigration officer that made you feel guilty by just his questioning glare. He asked us how long we were staying in Argentina and Michael answered, maybe one month. This guy then sharpened his stare and said, "you telling me or are you asking me." We were like, ere we are travelling so we are not sure but yes, we are staying a month we hope. He then started questioning Michael why he was born in Switzerland and using a British passport. We were like, jeeze, let us in already. He then lightened the mood and asked if we travelling together, I said yes for now maybe not in a month. He then asked if I will be staying at a separate hotel, joker! He then finally stamped our passports and we were through, WOOOOHOOOO!

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